Can't connect iPhone or Android tablet to CCU3

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Can't connect iPhone or Android tablet to CCU3

Beitrag von Mats-L » 17.11.2019, 12:56

I'm new to Homematic IP but not to eQ-3 products as I have the old FHT-80b in my house but it starts to brake down so I need a replacemt.
I have bought CCU3, HmIP-WTH-2 and HmIP-eTRV-C for a first try of the system.
Now to the problem:
I have set up the CCU3 via the web interface but as that is not so intuitive I tried to connet my Androide tablet and iPhone to see if that was better GUI but when I try to do that I'm promted to enter a code or scan the QR code and here comes the problem, the App gives an error message, this is in Swedish "Felaktigt apparatnummer (SGTIN)", the translation would be something like "Incorrect device number (SGTIN)" and there is no way to bypass this in the App, have try to find some setting in the CCU3 to allow the connectin but had no luck with that.

Anyone having any sugestion on how to connect iPhone/tablet after the CCU3 is set up?


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Re: Can't connect iPhone or Android tablet to CCU3

Beitrag von tomi_cc16 » 17.11.2019, 15:54

Hi Mats-L and welcome to the English section of the Forum,

if you want to read you can find all important info:

here (check WebUI English Manual - EN Version 0.4)

and here

If you will really read the links it should answer 80% of all your questions

Apps for the CCU1/2/3 and RaspberryMatic are:

Apps for iOS:
• @Home 2.0 (one of the best iOS Apps and for Free)
• pocket control HM (good iOS App but costs money - you can try the "Abo Version" for free)
• HomeControl
• smartha App (good but with InApp Purchase - available Q1 2020)
• Easy App (Works only with the Cloudmatic VPN package)
• homeNOW (no more updates)
• LiVo (naaa)
• …

Android Apps:

• TinyMatic (requires the installation of the XML-API Addon)
• Home24
• smartha App (good but with InApp Purchase - available mid of Dec 2019)
• Easy App (Works only with the Cloudmatic VPN package)
• homeNOW (no more updates)
• …

The official "Homematic IP App" from eq3 is only for their "Homematic IP Cloud Access Point" - not for CCU1/2/3 or RaspberryMatic !!!


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